Any Given Sunday

Are the Skins supposed to win? Hell no. Are the Pats favored by 14. Absolutely are. Am I going to sit here and say the Skins have no shot? No chance. Any team can win on any given Sunday. We’ve seen upsets before. The good news is at the end of the day this is just another week 9 game. It’s no Super Bowl. But nobody wants to get embarrassed. Nobody wants to go into Foxboro and have Hoodie lay 50 on ya. The Skins haven’t rolled over in any game this year. They do fight, they do claw, they do go to war for each other. Are the Pats the better team on paper? You’d be a fool to say otherwise. But that’s the cool thing about football. Any given Sunday something can go your way.

And the best thing about this game is there are absolutely positively zero expectations. The Pats kill everyone they play. So if the Skins win it’s the upset of the season. If the Skins lose we all expected it anyway. And that’s the best thing about the entire game. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain. We’re willing to die.


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